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ARTECO is a market leader in video security applications in our native Italy with substantial growth throughout Europe and the United States. Based in St. Louis, Missouri, our U.S. Division has built a national team of integrator relationships with expansion throughout North America.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

PTZ Control inside ARTECO-LOGIC

ARTECO-LOGIC now allows three different ways to control Pan/Tilt/Zoom cameras within your video management controls.  The first is "On-Screen" control which allows users to hold "left-click" down on the mouse and drag the PTZ to any direction on the screen.  When you do this there is a red "pointer" line that traces the direction of the movement.  Make the line longer to increase the speed of the movement, or shorter to decrease the speed.  You can also control the optical zoom of the camera with the "scroll-wheel" of the mouse.  Note, once you exhaust the optical zoom distance, the software automatically changes to digital zoom.  You can turn this PTZ control on/off by "right-clicking"  on the selected camera view and choosing PTZ On or PTZ Off.  Above is a demo of the "On-Screen" control.

We have also removed the older "Bomb Site" PTZ control (HOORAY!) and replaced with a virtual "Joystick application.  This works very much like looking directly down at an Atari joystick for those of us old enough to remember.  Click and hold your "left-click" button on your mouse over the handle of the joystick and move in any direction to move the camera.  Note that you can also limit PAN or TILT options in this section.

The third option is also located in this section which is the "Up/Down/Left/Right" arrows below the Joystick.  You can also manually zoom and pull focus.  The "Speed Control" at the bottom of the window allows you to set a maximum speed for the movement by moving the slider bar from left to right where left equals slow and right equals fast.

Please contact us for more information or for any questions regarding controlling your PTZ camera through ARTECO-LOGIC.

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